113 Articles
Autobloggreen Q & A: The EcoChallenge team: To Mongolia on VegOil!

AutoblogGreen already covered the Europe-to-Mongolia Rally but since these guys will be running on Straight Vegetable Oil in the (sort of) competition, we and our colleagues at Autoblog en Español decided to get an interview with them. We talked about the movie they'll be making and just how they'll find their way without knowing a single word of most languages in the counties they'll be driving through.

AutoblogGreen Q&A: Dr. David Cole

At the Alternative Fuel Cars Forum in Ann Arbor the other day Sebastian, Jeremy and I got spend twenty minutes chatting with Dr. David Cole, the Chairman of the Center for Automotive Research. As a long-time professor at the University of Michigan, Dr. Cole trained many of the top engineers in the auto industry and across country.

AutoblogGreen Q&A: Dr. Gary Smyth, director of powertrain research at GM

During the recent SAE World Congress in Detroit Dr. Gary Smyth participated in a panel on new generation drivetrains beyond 2015. Dr. Smyth had some interesting things to say about the internal combustion engines and where they are going so AutoblogGreen arranged to talk to him afterwards. Dr. Smyth is the Director of Global Powertrain Research and Development at General Motors. This is the transcript to the interview in the latest Sam Abuelsamid

AutoblogGreen Q&A: Nick Scuderi and his air hybrid engine

At the recent SAE World Congress AutoblogGreen spent a few minutes talking to Nick Scuderi of the Scuderi Group about their air hybrid engine technology. Calling this engine an air hybrid may be a bit of a misnomer, especially when compared to a gas-electric hybrid vehicle. Semantics aside, the concept is an interesting one and shows that the potential of the internal combustion engine hasn't yet been fully exhausted. We'll keep an eye on this one to see

AutoblogGreen Q&A with Hugh Kemp about the Naro concept vehicle

As part of the AutoblogGreen Podcast number 3 (which you can listen to here), we spoke with Hugh Kemp, who is working on the Naro concept car. We introduced you to the Naro at the end of March, and this transcript of our interview should fill in a few more gaps in what we know about this unique vehicle. Enjoy.

AutoblogGreen Podcast #1

It's finally here! The very first AutoblogGreen Podcast! Sebastian and Sam talk about some of the green highlights from this week's Geneva Motor Show, including the new diesels from Cadillac, Mazda, and Sam Abuelsamid

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